Job-hunt Coaching

If any of our consultants has helped you, whether in your job search direction, provided guidance or advice that you have deemed valuable, we hope, in a sincere exchange, if you are happy to provide a reference here give what you think you can afford here :
(PAYNOW UEN Number: 201435087M) - do indicate the consultant's name. The amount is up to you.



The time we spend on advice, service or consultation can be quite substantial from the sheer amount of candidates looking for advice. It takes a lot of time away from carrying our demanding search mandates our clients pay us to deliver. But we understand that a quick or sometimes lengthy professional advice is something valuable to a lost job hunter in need of direction.

This will go to feeding the stray dogs and cats which one of the consultant's family work to provide 100+ packs of food everyday, delivered to the most remote parts of Singapore and the balance will go to the consultant whom you engaged with.

Should you need a longer-term dedicated job hunt coaching service, do look at the formalized program we have here ( and get into contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.